The Difference Between Hard vs. Soft Enamel Pins
Believe it or not, brooches are coming back into style. While they never really left, they are making a strong return onto jacket lapels in the form of pins. A...
Believe it or not, brooches are coming back into style. While they never really left, they are making a strong return onto jacket lapels in the form of pins. A pin isn't just a pin; they are much more than that. To understand the differences between hard and soft enamel pins, we dive deeper into the subject.
Hard vs. Soft Enamel Pins!
The most fundamental difference is that hard enamel, or cloisonné, pins are polished flat. Soft enamel is shiny and recessed. That means that the level of detail that can be expressed is different for each type of pin.
The Hard & Soft of It!
Not all pins are created equal. So which pin is right for you? You have a bevy of choices with which type of enamel you'd like to use.
Soft Enamel Pins!
When making soft enamel pins, the image design is die struck into the metal pin. The colored enamel is added to the recessed areas. The recesses of the metal prevent the colors from mixing, and each color is applied separately.
Once the enamel is added, the pin is put to pure, which sets the enamel. The pins are not polished further, which adds a nice texture. A protective coating can be applied to give the design added protection. An epoxy resin coating helps to protect the enamel, making it smooth as well.
Hard Enamel (Cloisonné) Pins!
The process of making hard enamel pins is different from the process for soft enamel pins. Hard enamel pins use a glass-like enamel material. They are cured at a higher temperature as well. These pins are then polished flat, eliminating the ridges.
Once the colors have been applied, the pin gets electroplated. It is then polished again so that the pin is complete and smooth. When the pin is polished, it can make some of the lines slightly thicker, which is something to consider when getting a hard enamel pin. The process of making a hard enamel pin is considered more traditional.
Different Reasons For Getting A Pin!
Pins are a great way to show off the things that you love. Wear it on your lapel, a backpack, or a jacket. However, pins can serve other purposes too. When someone is wearing a pin, people notice! That's why pins are great for supporting a cause. Awareness pins are a popular way to show your commitment to an organization or cause.
Wearing a pin can also promote a sense of community with other people who support that same cause. Biker pins are also popular. Adding a pin to your leather jacket or vest can let folks know what group you belong to. They also look great on your jacket or vest.
One of the most common types of lapel pin is the recognition pin. Your organization can use aware pins to recognize all sorts of accomplishments. Present these pins for major sales achievement, to honor volunteers, or to celebrate years of service. Recipients are sure to appreciate them.
They are a keepsake of an accomplishment and a note of appreciation that can be worn with pride. Pins can also denote club membership. Everyone in your club can wear the same pin style and let everyone know about the organization.
Get a Free Quote!
After learning about the differences between hard vs. soft enamel pins, you now have a better idea of which style to select. The experienced artists at Lapel Pin Superstore will be happy to help you determine which style is best for you and your specific needs.
To find out more, just fill out our no-obligation Free Quote form. Or, you can call us at (866) 862-8842, or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to working with you on creating something unique!